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likeit 發表於 2019-3-23 07:30 AM

Poppy 蠻可愛的花

本帖最後由 likeit 於 2019-3-23 07:35 AM 編輯



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tzyyjeng 發表於 2019-3-23 11:35 PM

By notes on Yahoo news, it is no longer free to visit Lake Elsinore for the super bloom of poppy flower. As in anywhere else, beauty attracts people, more people induce problem, problem solving requires money...Oh, well, enjoy it when we can.

likeit 發表於 2019-3-26 04:26 AM

本帖最後由 likeit 於 2019-3-26 11:10 PM 編輯

tzyyjeng 發表於 2019-3-23 11:35 PM static/image/common/back.gif
By notes on Yahoo news, it is no longer free to visit Lake Elsinore for the super bloom of poppy flo ...
I agree, lol. Should I change that famous song to like "If you're going to Lake Elsinore, be sure to wear some puppies in your hair.........". Anyway, puppy visit was free in the beginning. The unexpected crowd created all sorts of issues and City has to come up an ad hoc solution through traffic control and shuttle bus service. You know it's free to park in designated areas, but $10 bucks per trip for shuttle bus. The local news had some discussions about this frenzy. Local people don't think this puppy blooming is a big deal because they can see it every year despite a smaller scale. It's the people from other places think this super blooming is one of hundred years phenomena. We must go and see it before we regret it. So a minimum charge from the outside visitors will help City for infrastructure improvements. Well done, Lake Elsinore!...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

tommy1752002 發表於 2019-3-29 02:50 PM

真是美啊 可惜台灣看不到這景

NinaZRdl 發表於 2019-3-30 01:52 AM

本帖最後由 NinaZRdl 於 2019-3-29 05:53 PM 編輯


ddhhhkj 發表於 2019-3-30 12:41 PM

真是美啊 可惜台灣看不到這景

likeit 發表於 2019-4-1 09:10 AM

NinaZRdl 發表於 2019-3-30 01:52 AM static/image/common/back.gif
應該早在人類觀測之前就是這樣,類似於春風吹又生的 ...

話說這次的Super Bloom,人潮多到當地警察要交通管制。為了避開人潮,有人突發奇想,竟然開著私人直昇機飛到並停降在車人無路到達,卻又開滿Poppy的地方就地欣賞。這個驚天之舉造成了當地警察派了大批警員辛苦的前往逮補。結果開直昇機的人(據說是一對情人)看到前來的警察,一遛煙的跑回直昇機,駕機飛逃。之後警察下了一道禁令,不準利用任何飛行工具賞花,否則重罰。嘻!
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metalkvn 發表於 2019-4-1 05:29 PM


tonyinny 發表於 2019-6-6 11:52 AM


metalkvn 發表於 2019-6-7 11:25 AM


tonyinny 發表於 2019-6-25 11:36 AM

這樣一整片的花海 真的是很漂亮!!!

eason2015 發表於 2019-6-25 04:27 PM


taiwamgogogo 發表於 2019-11-6 09:40 PM


bearwings 發表於 2019-11-9 03:35 AM

也太漂亮, 罌粟花在台灣怎可能看的到

metalkvn666 發表於 2019-11-9 09:20 AM

真的是好美的景色 在台灣如果有也不錯<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>
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